Task packages

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Task packages

The menu item "Window" takes you to the "Task Templates". With these templates, you can save individual tasks as a template or so-called task packages, which you can then assign to different projects using drag & drop. This means you do not have to create every single task for the same processes per project.


Create a new task package in the Task Templates dialog:


Assign a meaningful name:


The task package will only be visible in the list of task templates if a task has been assigned to this package.

The easiest way is to drag an existing task into your task templates or to an existing task package.



Or, create a new task template:


Enter the name of the task and select the associated task package.


Your new task is now listed in the package list.


Group by task package to display the package:


After you have added x templates to the package (also works with an existing task via drag & drop in the dialog), you can assign the task package to a project by dragging and dropping the package onto the project.


This assigns all task templates to the project.