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Minimum Requirements
In order to have the two systems running the minimum you need is:
✓ Xpert-Timer Mobile
✓ Xpert-Timer Pro
✓ Synchronization Module
✓ XT Webserver (Attention: You need XTSyncServer even if you plan on using the synchronization only in your LAN, without a connection to the internet. The transfer of data between the MOBILE and Pro Version always requires the XTSyncServer, but not necessarily a connection through the internet.)
To get the two systems to communicate with each other follow these steps:
1. Install Xpert-Timer Pro on your Windows machine. They synchronization does not work with Xpert-Timer Basic.
2. Install XTSyncServer on a Windows machine that's running when you synchronize the data between the to systems. We suggest to install it on the computer you are running your Xpert-Timer Pro version on, or better on a company server.
3. Start your SyncServer.exe (XTWebserver.exe) in your SyncServer Installation path.
Start XTSyncServer Service (this Program should start automatically after the setup). If you don't own the necessary user rights, a popup dialog will tell you. In this case you need to restart the SyncServer with administrator rights.
4. Activate your license file, you received from Xpert-Timer Software, when you purchased the product.
5. First you have to establish the connection between XTSyncServer Service and Xpert-Timers' database. To do so, please point to the configuration and choose the tab "Database". Please note, that you can only connect to your SQL Database using a user name and password (you might need to create a new user in your database). For security reasons the windows authentication will not work.
6. Point to the tab "General" in your Xpert-Timer SyncServer Service dialog and enter your connection details to the server. Now, test the connection. Please note, that the port of your local firewall must be open. In order to configure your firewall point to Windows -> Run / Execute -> firewall.cpl. In the settings, enter your Xpert-Timer SyncServer Service (XTWebServerService.exe) as a trusted program.
7.Save the settings and restart the service.
8. If you connect to your database through the internet, you have to open your ports in the firewall (e.g. through UPnP) and use your port forwarding to direct the requests to the correct server. Please double-check if UPnP is activated on your router.
9. FYI: If you want to check your connection with the database, you can send a command through a browser to your SyncServer, e.g.: http://xpertdesign.dyndns.com/client/* This command returns all clients in the database.
10. Now your SyncServer service is installed.
11. Now enter all connection data in your SyncServer settings in Xpert-Timer Pro. Point to Configuration -> XTSyncserver.
12. Next, open the user settings -> Tab "Additional modules" and activate the synchronization. A Sync-ID is created. This number is necessary to create the connection between the Pro and the Mobile version.
Choose "Mobile device" and you'll get a confirmation dialog, that your synchronization is activated.
If you select PC / Notebook, a synchronization file is created, which you can either copy to the laptop or send by e-mail.
If you would like to connect a mobile device (Android) for synchronization, you will receive an Activation Code and a Sync ID. You can also email this sync ID to the mobile device or manually enter the activation code into the mobile device. You only need to activate one of the two numbers. We recommend entering the activation code to avoid unnecessary typing errors.
13. Make sure your XTSyncServer is running and connected to the correct database.
14. Start your Android Xpert-Timer App.
15. In the main dialog, choose "Menu" and "Synchronize".
16. Enter the 5-digit Activation Code you created in your Xpert-Timer (Sync-Client_ID). The short activation code or the long ID number will work.
17. Make sure, you've also entered the IP Address, the port and the correct user name and password for the XTSyncServer.
18. The connection is now set up. If you entered your data correctly and configured your Webserver/SyncServer correctly, you should now be able to synchronize with your main database.