Keyboard shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts

In order to optimize your work flow, you should get used to using keyboard shortcuts. Here's a list of the most common ones. In case there are some you usually use in other software, you can deactivate the shortcut in your configuration of Xpert-Timer.


System wide  shortcuts:





Main Action menu to call most of the important functions

Win + End


Pause / Continue

Win + Pos1


Back to the last project (e.g. when interrupted)

Win + Backspace


Project list of the last used projects



Opens menu with quick access projects

Win + '0' ... '9'


Quick access to start certain projects

Win + F4


Edit active timestamp

Win + F5


End working day

Win + F6


Open reporting module

Win + F7


Show / hide project manager

Win + F8


Show / hide time bar

Win + F9


Show Task list

Win + F10


Manual entry for active, running project

Win + F11


New task for the running project

Win + F12


Stamp comment in between

Win + Space


Quick search for project name


Shortcuts in the project manager:

Ctrl+ B


Create a backup

Ctrl+ N


Add a new project

Ctrl+ A


Add a new task

Ctrl+ H


Show / hide Activity Report

Ctrl + K


Add new client

Ctrl+ P



Ctrl+ Z


Show / hide timestamps

Ctrl + T


Add manual entry