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Each project in the Xpert-Timer is assigned a project manager (project manager). You can make the assignment either via the project properties in the "Employees" tab or by right-clicking in the "Responsible" column in the Project Manager. The responsible person 2 has the same rights as the person responsible 1. You can specify two persons responsible if one of them is e.g. in vacation is.
The rights groups allow you to grant the project manager additional access rights. For example, the project manager can additionally see the recorded times of employees from his project. Using the rights management, another tab for the project manager can be displayed in different areas of the Xpert-Timer:
1. In the Projectmanager
About the right "project manager sees all projects under his responsibility", the additional tab "project manager" becomes visible in the project manager. At a glance, the employee sees all projects where he is set as the project manager.
The overview allows a quick evaluation of the projects.
In the client manager
The rights of the project manager also apply in the client manager. There, the view of the customers can be filtered as follows:
1. "Only own customers":
The result is a list of all customers with projects that the employee is assigned to.
2. "Project Manager":
As a result, you see a list of all customers with projects where the employee is set as project manager.
If you want the employee to see all customers created in the client manager, then you still have to grant the right "See all customers". This displays a third filter area, which displays all created customers as the result.
In the Reporting
In the area of Reporting, the project manager can also choose between the view of his own data records, ie the data sets of the projects to which he is assigned, and the view of the project manager.
This makes it easy to create meaningful evaluations about an employee and specific customers.