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You can in the tab "Billing" for each user, as wellassign a specific rate to each project. As soon as you create a project with the mode "Billable", you will see the tab "Billing". Enter the flat rate or the hourly rate to calculate the project. In the reporting as well as in the time stamps you will find an overview of the costs.
In the dialog, choose which costs should be used for calculating the price. An individual billing rate, the rate from the main project, the rate from the user settings or a price list.
You can round the timestamps when entering the time. Please note that rounded timestamps are marked with an (R).
If you do not want to round the timestamps directly at the time of capture, you can also have them rounded "only as a view" in your project manager, without changing the original entry in the database. This will allow you to create a report with rounded timestamps for your client, but you will keep your actual time tracking in the database.
To do this, right-click on a timestamp and select View -> Round every timestamp to the full billing unit.