Restore database

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Navigation:  Xpert-Timer Manual > Configuration > System > Backup >

Restore database

There is no automated solution to install a backup. please follow these instructions:

When using a Microsoft Access database or SQLite database with the Xpert-Timer, when set in the configuration, automated backups are created when exiting the Xpert-Timer. If you have a MySQL or MS-SQL database in use, you have to take care of the backup on the server yourself.

Especially Access databases hardly forgive power failures or other operating system crashes. Often you will then receive the following error message:

Error loading database: message "Unrecognizable database format ...."

How to find the backup file:

The database backups are saved in the format: xt_20120630_10-47.mdb bzw. xt_20120630_10-47.sqlite (depending on what database you use).

20120630 stands for: June 30th 2012. 10-47 stands for 10:47 am.

In case you don't remember where your database is stored, search for xt_* in your file explorer.

Steps to restore your backup:

1.) Once you've localized the newest backup, create a copy of the file.

2.) Rename the copied file to xt.sqlite for SQLite or  xt.mdb for access.

3.) Navigate to your original database folder (search for xt.mdb or xt.sqlite in your file explorer)

4.) Now copy the xt.mdb created and renamed by the backup into this "Database" folder.

5.) Start Xpert-Timer. If the file still doesn't work, try it with a file that's one day older.


If you are still experiencing database problems, you may need to install a backup with an older date.